When is the Best Time to Get a Flu Shot?
Having an annual flu shot is a great pre-caution to help protect yourself from the seasonal flu. That poke when getting the shot may be uncomfortable, but so are the facts around the dangers of the flu.
Having an annual flu shot is a great pre-caution to help protect yourself from the seasonal flu. That poke when getting the shot may be uncomfortable, but so are the facts around the dangers of the flu.
Your tongue serves an important role in making everyday life easier for humans. The tongue makes it easily possible to move food and drinks around in your mouth. Besides the obvious benefits, your tongue’s color can also be a visual indicator for other health concerns.
Liver disease is among the many underdiagnosed diseases that if left untreated can cause serious health problems. The American Liver Foundation estimates that over 100 million American adults are living with liver disease – yet only 4.5 million had been diagnosed as of 2022.
If you have not personally experienced kidney stones, you likely have heard stories from someone who has. It is estimated that 11% of men and 6% of women will experience kidney stones at some point in their lifetime. While the process of passing a kidney stone usually does not result in permanent damage, it is very painful.
Blackberries may not be as popular as blueberries, but powerful fruits pack a lot of nutrition. If you have overlooked adding blackberries to your grocery list, take into account these noteworthy benefits!
A 2015 study found that about 50% of Americans are consuming less than the recommended amount of magnesium each day. Magnesium is involved in over 600 chemical reactions that occur within your body.
The foods we eat influence our health – it’s simple. A pivotal part of that process is our gut. To begin an effective weight loss journey, you need to first identify the root our your health problems. For some this could be an unhealthy gut that is the result of poor diet or lifestyle choices – two aspects that also contribute to weight gain.
You can probably think of a time that you were sitting down, or laying in bed and quickly stood up. What happened next may have come across as alarming – your vision blurred and you suddenly felt light headed. You had just been feeling fine when you were laying down, what happened?
It is estimated that 68% of adults do not consume enough Omega-3 fatty acids. Commonly found in fish, omega-3’s provide many great benefits to your heart and overall health. Make a meaningful change and add omega-3s to your diet!
We started the summer with an emphasis on raising awareness for skin cancer and why protecting your skin is so important. Now in the middle of that summer heat, UV Safety Month serves as another opportunity to remind ourselves of the dangers the sun’s UV rays can pose.