How High Blood Pressure Hurts Your Heart

how high blood pressure hurts your heart

Hypertension, better known as high blood pressure, results from the pressure in blood vessels being too high. Generally speaking, normal blood pressure is below 120/80.

How do Bones Grow and Develop?

how do bones grow and develop

You have nearly 100 fewer bones today than the day you were born! Over time your bones grow and even merge together to form the 206 bones you have in adulthood.

Why are Trans Fats Bad For You?

trans fats

Trans fats are a leading contributor to the development of heart disease. They are the most unhealthy type of fat because trans fats increase LDL cholesterol (bad) cholesterol while also decreasing HDL (good) cholesterol.

Is Routinely Drinking Caffeine Bad for You?

Can you be dependent on caffeine

Are you drinking caffeinated beverages to help keep you awake through a busy week? Caffeine can be a helpful aid to keep you alert. But if it is a regular part of your routine, you can develop a dependency on caffeine.

It’s Tick Season: Here’s How You Can Stay Safe

tick season safety

From May to October are some of the nicest months to be outside in central Minnesota. But it’s also tick season. You may think ticks are just around from Memorial Day to Labor Day, but the season can actually start earlier (and run later) than many realize.

Do Stress Balls Relieve Stress?

do stress balls work

You may find it difficult to believe that a foam “stress ball” could have any impact on your stress. But for some people they can be a great tool.

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Heart?

diabetes and heart health

Diabetes and high blood sugar can negatively impact your heart and cardiovascular system. Diet and exercise are very important for managing your risk of heart disease.