Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

tips to reduce bloating after eating

You just ate a great meal, but you are left with a not-so-great feeling afterward. That bloated feeling you sometimes have after you eat can be brought on by eating too fast, overeating, or a variety of other issues.

Winter Skin Care for Your Dry Hands

winter skin care

One of the most inconvenient things about winters in Minnesota is the dry skin that is brought upon by the cool weather. That rough feeling and eventual cracking of your skin is not just a nuisance, it’s also a health risk as it leaves your body open to infection.

What is the Difference Between Good and Bad Carbohydrates?

carbohydrates good and bad

Carbohydrates are a necessary staple of your diet to help provide energy to cells in your body. Despite this necessity, high carbohydrate intake has been connected to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Too much consumption of anything can always be a problem, but for carbohydrates, the type of carbohydrate can make a big difference.

Pancreatic Cancer Month: Know the Risk Factors

pancreatic cancer awareness month

November is pancreatic cancer month, a type of cancer that accounts for 3% of all cancer diagnoses and over 60,000 cases this year alone. Being aware of the symptoms is crucial to early diagnosis.

Benefits of Vitamin K for Your Body

benefits of vitamin K

Vitamins A, B, C, and D get plenty of attention for good reason: they are part of the foundation of healthy eating habits. If you are eating a healthy and consistent diet of fruits and vegetables, you are already getting most or all the nutrients your body needs.