What Causes an Ingrown Hair?

what causes ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs can be a painful and irritating part of shaving. When a hair is unable to grow up and out of […]

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

can you drink too much water?

The current heatwave in central Minnesota has many individuals focused on staying hydrated this week. That’s a great thing to keep in […]

Should You Refill Plastic Water Bottles?

is it safe to refill plastic

We are all about recycling – and that is exactly what you should do after drinking from a plastic water bottle. Though the common slogan of “reduce, reuse, and recycle” may seemingly encourage you to refill a disposable plastic water bottle, it is often not a good choice.

Why the 5 Second Rule is a Myth

the truth about the 5 second rule

Have you ever seen someone scoop food off the floor and announce that it’s safe because of the “5-second rule?” It is […]