Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

tips to reduce bloating after eating

You just ate a great meal, but you are left with a not-so-great feeling afterward. That bloated feeling you sometimes have after you eat can be brought on by eating too fast, overeating, or a variety of other issues.

Bloating comes from your GI tract being filled with air or gas. This creates a sense of increased pressure in your gut and may even cause temporary enlargement of your waist. It is estimated that 10 to 25% of healthy people experience occasional bloating.  

When bloating is brought on by something you eat or drink, it will often go away in a few hours. For bloating caused by more complex medical conditions or constipation, you should seek medical attention if the bloating does not go away after a day.

If you are bloated after eating, try some of these remedies below to make yourself more comfortable.

Drink Water

Keeping your body hydrated is helpful for a lot of reasons, but in this case, it will help keep your digestive tract running as it should.

There are also water-heavy foods you can add to your meal as well, including watermelon, celery, and cucumbers.

Balance your Fiber

Fiber plays a critical role in ensuring your digestive tract moves at the proper pace. Too much fiber can cause bloating, but too little can back up your digestive tract, resulting in a similar circumstance.

Eat Slowly and Chew Your Food Thoroughly

When you eat too fast you take in excess air that builds up to create bloating.

Try Pineapple

Pineapple contains the natural enzyme bromelain that can help smooth out some of your digestion issues by helping your body break down tough foods.

Investigate what Food Triggered your Bloating

Carbonated beverages and foods with artificial sweeteners are among the most common triggers for bloating, but some natural foods can also be the source. Broccoli, cauliflower, apples, pears, peaches, whole grains, and some beans all are known to increase your gas and may result in a bloated feeling.

Talk to your Provider About Lactose Intolerance

If you feel your bloating often comes after consuming dairy products, particularly milk, talk to your doctor. They can help you rule out other causes for your bloating before you need to make drastic diet changes.