Making the Most of Your Fish: Health Benefits, Cooking, and What to Avoid

benefits of eating fish

March and April are among the most popular times of the year to eat fish – due in a big part to Lent. While it’s difficult to find a conclusive sales number for the entire fish industry, it seems that many retailers and restaurants report seeing roughly a 20% spike in fish sales this time of the year.

Training Your Heart: The Hardest Working Organ

hardest working organ heart

We’re highlighting your body’s hardest-working organ… your heart! Though your heart is an organ, it also works like a muscle, pumping blood through your giant system of blood vessels (over 60,000 miles long).

Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine: 4 Things to Try

boost energy without caffeine

An incredible 90% of American adults consume a caffeinated beverage each day to help them wake up and concentrate on the task at hand. While up to 400mg of caffeine per day is considered safe for most adults according to the Mayo Clinic, you still may discover benefits from reducing or eliminating your caffeine intake.

What’s the Difference Between all of the Egg Labels?

different types of eggs

The standards surrounding organic foods have changed and evolved in the past decades, but eggs take things a step farther with additional labels for free-range, cage-free, or omega-3 enriched. We will cover the basics of each of many of these labels and what the bottom line is for your health.

What Causes Salt Cravings?

what causes you to crave salt

Exercising or being outside on a hot day can cause you to break a sweat. You must rehydrate soon after that loss of fluid. When you sweat significantly, your body can begin to crave salt as a way to remind you to replace lost minerals. This is most common in people who exercise for 90 or more minutes at once time.

Why Anti-Inflammatory Foods Benefit Your Body

why anti-inflammatory foods help your health

Inflammation is part of your body’s healing process. When you injure yourself, the area becomes inflamed, turning red and swelling. While this is how your body repairs itself, it can be an issue if the problem goes on for too long. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat that have anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in reducing your inflammation.

Why do you get Shorter as you Age?

why do you get shorter as you age

Our body undergoes many changes as we age, among them is “shrinking” a bit. While many people consider this a normal part of aging, it is avoidable to a degree. The reasoning behind all of this may not be what you think.

Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

tips to reduce bloating after eating

You just ate a great meal, but you are left with a not-so-great feeling afterward. That bloated feeling you sometimes have after you eat can be brought on by eating too fast, overeating, or a variety of other issues.

Winter Skin Care for Your Dry Hands

winter skin care

One of the most inconvenient things about winters in Minnesota is the dry skin that is brought upon by the cool weather. That rough feeling and eventual cracking of your skin is not just a nuisance, it’s also a health risk as it leaves your body open to infection.