What Causes an Ingrown Hair?

what causes ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs can be a painful and irritating part of shaving. When a hair is unable to grow up and out of […]

Should You Refill Plastic Water Bottles?

is it safe to refill plastic

We are all about recycling – and that is exactly what you should do after drinking from a plastic water bottle. Though the common slogan of “reduce, reuse, and recycle” may seemingly encourage you to refill a disposable plastic water bottle, it is often not a good choice.

Why the 5 Second Rule is a Myth

the truth about the 5 second rule

Have you ever seen someone scoop food off the floor and announce that it’s safe because of the “5-second rule?” It is […]

Pros and Cons of Drinking with a Straw

are straws good or bad

Straws have become a frequently debated topic in the 21st century. The issue of whether or not to use straws requires you to consider the health, dental, and environmental impact straws have on our daily lives.