How Does Diabetes Affect Feet?

diabetes and foot health

Diabetes can negatively affect many aspects of health including your toes, feet, or legs. An estimated 80% of lower-limb amputations in the United States are the result of diabetes.

Thymus Gland: What Does it Do and Why is it Important?

thymus gland

The thymus gland trains a special type of white blood cell, called T-lymphocytes or T-cells for short. These T-cells enter your blood and are dispersed to organs in your lymphatic system (like lymph nodes) where they can be used to fight disease and infection as part of your immune system.

When Should Kids Have Well-Child Visits?

when should children have well child check ups

It is recommended that children receive regular well-child checkups to help parents stay on top of immunizations, health screenings, and a child’s overall picture of health.

Why Should You Have An Annual Physical

why should you have an annual physical

Your annual physical is a regular check-up to keep an eye on your entire picture of health. Most health insurance plans will fully cover one of these annual visits as a part of your preventative health benefits.

How Does Diabetes Affect Eyes and Vision?

diabetes and eye health

Having high blood sugar can cause changes in fluid levels or swelling in the tissues of your eyes. This causes blurry vision but normally is a short term result of switching diabetes care plans or medicines. 

Prevent Dry Hands Caused By Washing Your Hands

prevent dry hands

Frequent hand washing can cause your hands to become dry and cracked, which creates openings for infections. Striking a balance between effective hand washing and managing your dry hands is important for staying healthy year-round.

Health Benefits of Cucumbers

health benefits of cucumbers

Americans eat over 8 pounds of cucumbers every year according to a 2022 report. How many cucumbers have you eaten in the past year? Most Americans have eaten more pickles than cucumbers in the past year.