How Food and Diet Affect Your Skin

how does diet affect skin

The food you choose in your diet is part of the bottom line of your diet. An unhealthy diet can have negative ramifications on your health, and your skin is no different. A poor diet can increase your risk of inflammation, acne breakouts, and early aging of your skin.

Health Benefits of Blackberries: An Overlooked Fruit

health benefits of blackberries

Blackberries may not be as popular as blueberries, but powerful fruits pack a lot of nutrition. If you have overlooked adding blackberries to your grocery list, take into account these noteworthy benefits!

How can Magnesium Benefit My Health?

benefits of magnesium

A 2015 study found that about 50% of Americans are consuming less than the recommended amount of magnesium each day. Magnesium is involved in over 600 chemical reactions that occur within your body.

How to Slow the Aging of Your Bones

How to Slow the Aging of Your Bones

Movement is life – that’s why our bones and muscles play a crucial role in what we do and enjoy every day. Our bones and muscles have to be well taken care of to ensure they can serve us our entire lives.

Why Gut Health is Important to Your Weight Loss Success

gut health and weight loss

The foods we eat influence our health – it’s simple. A pivotal part of that process is our gut. To begin an effective weight loss journey, you need to first identify the root our your health problems. For some this could be an unhealthy gut that is the result of poor diet or lifestyle choices – two aspects that also contribute to weight gain.

Understanding the Role of Cholesterol in your Diet

cholesterol and your body

Cholesterol is often viewed negatively since too much cholesterol poses health concerns. However, cholesterol plays a necessary role in making your body function as it should. Fortunately your body makes all of the cholesterol you need. With a healthy diet and exercise, you can regulate your cholesterol to maintain a healthy amount.

Hormones: Understanding the Basics of What they Do For Your Body

absolute basics of hormones

There are over 50 different hormones that regulate various facets of your body. The task of a hormone is to carry information from cell to cell throughout your body. Because the role of hormones are so impactful, yet so mysterious (considering their effects are not not visible to patients), many patients consult our providers to learn more about their hormones.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Good Kind of Fats

benefits of omega 3 fatty acids

It is estimated that 68% of adults do not consume enough Omega-3 fatty acids. Commonly found in fish, omega-3’s provide many great benefits to your heart and overall health. Make a meaningful change and add omega-3s to your diet!