Alzheimer's Support Group
Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects not only the individual experiencing Alzheimer’s but also their entire family.
Williams Integracare hosts a monthly support group meeting on the second Thursday of each month from 10:30am-11:30am. Our group aims to contribute to the overall efforts of the National Alzheimer’s Association.
These meetings will provide educational resources and support for individuals living with Alzheimer’s and their family members.
expected increase in the number of Minnesotans living with Alzheimer's from 2020 to 2025
of their friends and family in Minnesota provided them 225 million hours of unpaid care in 2022
Alzheimer’s is not a regular part of aging. While no treatment or medication can stop or reverse Alzheimer’s, early detection can play an important role in slowing it.
More than 80% of Americans know little or are not familiar with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which can be an early stage of Alzheimer’s.
Community education can be a powerful way to spread awareness to those in our community and help those experiencing Alzheimer’s receive the resources they need.
Please Contact Tara Walz to Register for Our Next Meeting
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from 10:30am to 11:30am.

RSVP by Email
Send an email to nurse Tara at and include the names of those who will be attending and your phone number.

RSVP by Phone
Call the clinic at (320) 251-2600 and asked to be transferred to nurse Tara’s voicemail. Include the names of those who will be attending and your phone number in your voicemail.