December highlights two great awareness weeks with helpful reminders to keep you healthy this winter. Though simple, proper handwashing and getting your annual flu shot are two things that can go a long way in reducing your risk of getting ill this holiday season.
Learn about December’s national health observances so you can get important reminders, and interesting facts, and make small changes for your health this month!
National Handwashing Awareness Week
We wash our hands every day, multiple times a day, so why do health organizations dedicate the first full week of December to highlighting proper handwashing?
Because handwashing saves lives!

It is key to diminishing the spread of the flu and other illnesses. A study from way back in 2003 even went as far as to find that if EVERYONE routinely washed their hands, 1 million deaths could be prevented each year.
Do your part and wash your hands!
National Influenza Vaccination Week
Before you see your family for the holidays, consider getting a flu shot if you have not already. Though you can get a flu shot in January if you would like, it is often best to get it earlier in the flu season for improved protection.